Miracle of comand of Sujud To Body

Jumat, 20 November 2009
Miracle of comand of Sujud To Body.

If you experiencing of your tension go up, or endless confused, or natural of nervous ( one of type disease of deviation of behavior in the form of is jumpy, fear, etc). If you fear to be hit by tumor, hence sujud its solution.... With sujud will escape all disease of other psychosis and nervous. This is one of the result of research done by Dr. Muhammad Dhiyaa'Uddin Hamid, biological majors lecturer and departmental chief of food radiasi in institute research of technology of radiasi.

Have its fair it human being if experiencing of excess of dose in radiasi, and life in voltage environment or magnetic field, hence that thing will affect to its body, will increase electrical content in its body. Therefore, Dr. Dhiyaa' saying that in fact sujud can eliminate vitamins nor things causing pain.

Solution In Around Organ Body

He is one of the body organ... and him assist human being in feeling environment around, and have interaction to with his self, and that's addition in electrics area and magnetic field yielded by body cause damage trouble and body organ function so that finally experience of modern disease is so-called with " tired feeling.", muscle spastics, bronchitis, weary easy, stress ... until often forget, migrant, and problem become going worse if without there is effort to avoid cause all this, that is keeping away our body from all such places and equipments.

Its solution ???

Have to by following something that of permitted for eliminate that thing is all ... that is by kowtowing to Single Dzat which Single The most as we have been governed for the matter of that, where that sujud is started by gluing forehead to earth ( floor). Hence in sujud will emit a stream of positive ions exist in in body to earth ( as negative ions place). and so on as perfect as activity netralizer of electrics impact and magnet. More special again when sujud by using 7 legs and hands ( forehead, nose, both of palm, both of knee, and both feet) hence in this is position very facilitating for us netralize affect magnet and electrics.

Is known by during research, so that progressively perfect process netralizer of that impact all, hence sujud have to face to Makkah ( Mosque of Ka'Bah), that is activity which we do in shalat ( qiblat). Because Makkah is earth center in universe. And clear research progressively that facing to Makkah when sujud is most important place for the netralizer of human being of things bothering its it and make rileks.
Subhanallah, .... knowledge amazing.

by : www.facebook.com/fans of pecinta sayyidina rasulullah.

bangga indonesia

..Bangsa Indonesia..

Indonesia belakangan ini memiliki segudang julukan buruk yang melekat diantaranya ialah negeri dengan segudang koruptor, sampai-sampai Indonesia pernah memiliki peringkat ke- 3 dunia sebagai Negara terkorup belum lagi dengan banyaknya teroris – teroris tingkat dunia yang bernaung di negeri ini.

Citra bangsa ini kian lama dirasa kian buruk. Tetapi disamping itu semua, pernahkah kita pikirkan segudang kekayaan yang negeri ini punya?? Mungkin tak banyak dari kita yang menyadarinya, sangking tertutupnya segudang kelebihan itu dengan setitik keburukkan. Karena begitulah pemikiran kebanyakan orang di negeri ini, akui saja, berapa banyak dari kita yang bangga sebagai masyarakat Indonesia. Bahkan banyak orang- orang cerdas di Negeri kita ini yang lebih memilih untuk “memperkaya diri” daripada memperkaya negeri ini, mungkin dalam peribahasa Bagai kacang yang lupa kulitnya. Walaupun tak dapat kita sangkal, peran pemerintah dalam mempertahankan mereka - mereka yang cerdas cukup besar. Tak sedikit dari orang – orang cerdas ini yang dicuekin pemerintah sehingga mereka lebih memilih untuk pergi dari negeri ini dan mengabdi untuk negeri orang.

Jika kita mau membuka mata dan mengingat kembali, Indonesia memiliki segudang kelebihan. Lihat saja, sudah berapa banyak Negara di Eropa sana yang telah menjajah negeri kita ini. Mulai dari Portugis, Inggris, Belanda dan Jepang. Negara- Negara itu bukanlah Negara- Negara yang tak pandai, mereka semua adalah Negara dengan segudang ilmu, yang tak mungkin menjadikan Indonesia sebagai wilayah jajahan jika Indonesia tak memiliki segudang “harta” yang membuat mereka begitu ingin memiliki Indonesia.

Belum lagi, tentang Malaysia dengan semua klaim dan kasus Ambalat-nya . Jika bukan karena Indonesia merupakan negeri yang kaya dengan segala kekayaan alam dan budayanya, tak mungkin negeri tetangga begitu “senang” dengan negeri kita ini.

Negeri kita, Indonesia, punya segudang kekayaan alam karena letaknya yang merupakan Negara Agraris, sampai –sampai kita sering mendengar kalimat cuma di Indonesia yang nanem“batang” (singkong) bisa tumbuh subur dan bisa jadi makanan pokok”. Budaya, bahasa, dan kuliner yang beragam pun merupakan kekayaan tak terkira yang kita miliki, mulai dari seni tari dan beragam bahasa di setiap daerah di negeri ini, seni batik, kuliner yang tak kalah beragamnya dan beragam kekayaan lain yang tak semua Negara diluar sana memilikinya.

Oleh karena itu, kita, anak muda, sebagai penerus bangsa, harus menjaga apa yang memang milik kita, jangan biarkan lebih banyak lagi budaya kita yang diklaim oleh Negara lain. Belajarlah untuk mencintai negeri ini, karena jika bukan kita yang belajar untuk mencintai dan melestarikan setiap budaya yang ada, bagaimana Negara ini akan tetap terus berdiri.

:) smile for my state, INDONESIA

what having to me do?!

Kamis, 12 November 2009
what having to me do?!

Why when me make every effort to forget one who I take a fancy to, existing fact oppositely on the contrary,

I progressively darling he and progressively thinking of him,.

Not to mention when one who I take a fancy to near by me but he ignore if me take a fancy to him,.

Progressively I try not to mind each its mannerism, progressively I suffered,

but when me reside in real nature even also seen all its mannerism, do not make better me,.


Help to tell me, if all of you become myself what will all of you do,.

Because sometimes unsuited fact by what we expect,.

Disease Befalling Woman Do Not Impose Cowl

Senin, 09 November 2009
Disease Befalling Woman Do Not Impose Cowl

Rasulullah utter, " dressy women but ( intrinsically is) naked, their head like camel back, they will not enter heaven and no kissing is fragrant of its fragrance “ (HR. Abu Daud)

Rasulullah utter, " Do not be accepted by adult woman sholat except wearing cowl (khimar / jilbab)” (HR. Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tirmidzi, bn Majah)

Contemporary Erudite research have found it woman which do not impose cowl or dress but tightening, or transparent hence he will experience of various cancerous raise hell whole part of its open organ, what else girl and or have a daughter - female which dress tightly. Doctor English magazine express result of this erudite research by citing some fact, among others its it ferocious cancer of melanoma at age early, and progressively increase and disseminate to reach foot. And cancerous root cause raise hell this is tight clothes which imposed by females under sun heat, long during after through years. and nylon sock which they impose do not be useful little in taking care of their foot from ferocious cancer. And really the Magazine English doctor have even also have done pandemic polling of this melanoma, and likely situation of them look like with situation of traitor people ( Arab infidel people) To the effect that this Alloh’s word :
And remember when them tell: Yes Alloh if this matter ( Al-Qur'an) it is true from your side hence raining us with stone of sky or deliver to us of punishment which is pain ( Q.S. Al-Anfaal:32)

And really have come punishment which lighter pain and or from that thing is, that is ferocious cancer, where that cancer is it’s of cancer from various cancer. And this disease represent effect of pregnant sun sting of long ultraviolet during the whole part of tight clothes, beach wear ( which is ordinary to be wearied by infidel people when in coast and sun over there) what they impose. And this disease sometimes hit all body and with rate which different each other. What emerge first time is like black chromatic circle rather wide. And sometimes in the form of just small circle, most in foot area or calf, and sometimes in area of around eye, then permeate body accompanied by growth in ordinary areas seen, spleen attachment ( area above thigh), and attack blood, and remain to liver and also destroy.

Sometimes also remain to in whole part of body, among others: bone, and chest interior and stomach caused by two kidneys, cause black chromatic urine water because destroying of kidney effect of cancerous attack raise hell this. And sometimes also attack fetus in mother womb which is containing. One who suffer this ferocious cancer will not live llama, as hurt drug as opportunity to recover for all cancer type ( besides this ferocious cancer), where this drug not yet can cure this ferocious cancer.

From here, we know glorious wisdom of human being body anatomy in is in perfective of Islam about woman’s which impinge boundaries of syari'at. That is that real correct woman clothes model is closing over all its body, do not tighten, is not transparent, except palm and face. And really clear progressively that polite and simple clothes is effort of preventive nicest in order not to be hit " world punishment" like above mentioned disease, more than anything else much more awful eternity punishment and pain. Then, what is after existence of witness of this contemporary science - though there is coherent of law of syari'at wise since 14 century ago- we will be good unclothed fixed ( jilbab), even remain to bluff???

(Source : Al-I'jaaz Al-Ilmiy fii Al-Islam wa Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah, Oleh :Muhammad Kamil Abd Al-Shomad )

Love Poem

Jumat, 06 November 2009

My world lights up then fades away.
my heart a toxic mess of pain.
the cracks rush out but dear not break.
my brain in thoughts my heart it aches
every step is hard to make.
love is something we both partake.
hearts are brittle please dont shake.
you are gone is this faith.
time will tell id like to say.
but from start till end i loved you babe.
now as i sit filled with sorrow.
i thank the one whos heart i borrowed.
i wrap this gift for you my love.
it beats a pulse within these gloves.
for you the one that i love.
its hard to say but this is done.
but to me you are still the one.

by Joe m durham

You are my dream

If life is a Dream
Then my dream is you
If life is a way of Life
A million mile I walk with you

If life is happiness
Then I want all for you
If life is suffering
The let me suffer for you

If life is full of surprises
The I want to share with you
If life is to live once only
Then I want to live this life only for you

I want you to be his only soulmate
Want a life with you
Throughout His lifetime

by Machoman

Love me Much

The changes you made for me is mine
The day you thought for me is fine
When your voice touch my ears was the time
Don't tell me the love for you is a crime

I never believe in God
As my mum was there
Now I trust in God
As you are in there.

My prayers are answered whenever she lecture
That makes me more mature
Sometimes she is like a teacher
Get all my knowledge richer
I need her attention and care
And be with me even I am been physically or mentally in torture
Please dear love me as much as you can

by Machoman

_All About Love_

Selasa, 03 November 2009
There'S nothing can replace resiliently
nor talent, talented people which is success have never is fair
nor cleverness, man of parts which do not obtain;get something have almost become
pearl words
nor education, world have full of unemployment of have education
resilient and most firmness in command
word " DON'T SURENDER " have and always solve problem faced by human being.
Calvin Coolidge

Each person is unique and irreplaceable
Everyone’s got his own features and skills
In everyone’s chest beats a different heart
We’re all a like but skill deeply different
If you think it over, it’s anything but unfair
It’s the reason for which it’s worth
To exist and be friend
Because of this, everyone of us
Has something special
Bell Dandy-oats!megami sama

If love call you, follow him
although the way twist and turns precipitous
and if its wing huddle up you
surrenderness and surender
although sword hidden in between that wing and hurt you
and if he speak with you, trust
although its utterance confuse your mind
as north wind which muss garden
Love do not give any, except his self
Love do not have is and or owned
because love have last for love
as well as don't predict,
that thou can determine direction the way love
because love, if have chosen you
he will determine journey of your life.
Kahlil Gibran

Wudhu Prevent The happening of Various Skin Disease

Senin, 02 November 2009
Rasulullah utter, " Holy whomever ( Wudhu) by completing its chastity, hence going out its sins from its husk until from its nail of him". HR. Moslem.

Rasulullah utter, " Really my me will be exclaimed on doom in a state of glittering because its secondhand of him, ( Dusty of Hurairah enhance) hence who can exaggerate light length at its body, hence doing. (HR. Bukhari and Moslem).

Contemporary science specify - after passing attempt of microscopy to growing of microbe at one who holy regularly as well as to not regular- its it him one who holy always hence their nose majority become cleanness,do not there are various microbe.
Therefore, existence of microbe which patch in them lose is at all when them clean nose,compared to one who is not holy hence growing at their nose various big microbe in number which the including globular microbe type and dangerous berklaster which is very ...
and infectious microbe and expand ...
and other microbe which cause many the happening of various disease.
And clear its it him process that poisoned happened the existence of growth various dangerous microbe to nasal cavity,later;then to red lane to later;then happened various disease, more than anything else if step into circulation of blood!!

Therefore, suggested to do " istinsyaaq" ( breathing in water into nose) counted 3 times later;then giving off it ( remain to with nose) each time wudhu.
As for gargling that meant for keep cleaning trap and throat from chafing and deterioration at gum,and also take care of tooth of food pickings which patch tooth.
And have proven scientifically that 90% one who experience of damage of tooth if they is attention will to hygiene of his mouth when ahead destroy their tooths, and existence of deterioration that happened because of saliva and food and mixed in stomach and go to blood.
And from blood that's later;then disseminate to entire body and later;then cause various disease.

And really, gargling will refresh face and become fairly. And this test-driving have never been told by all sport lecturer except a little. This matter because them only paying attention to big body organs.
And wash face and both hand until elbow, and also both feet give benefit to eliminate dirts and various bacterium, more than anything else by cleaning body of secretory other dirt and sweat pass husk.

As well as, have proven scientifically will not attack human being husk except if rate hygiene of his husk lower. Because human being if llama  have activity to without washing its member of him, hence husk will experience of various chafing attacking surface of husk, like scabies.
And this scabies attack tip of radius mostly don't in a state of cleanness, so that enter various microbe into husk.

Therefore, its of it chafing very is inviting of microbe to expand and disseminate.
Hence, wudhu have preceded Science of Pektrologi modern and all expert which use quarantine as media to know various mushrooms and microbe attacking people who husk have no simpathy with hygiene, where this hygiene of meaning with bath and wudhu and with research and test-driving.

Research and this test-drive give other benefit:

That both hand bringing many microbe which sometimes make a move to nose or mouth if don't be washed. Therefore, very emphasized to clean both hand beforehand before doing wudhu'.

And this growing clear to us utter Rasulullah:

"If one of the among all of you wake up from sleep, hence don't plunge second his arms to canister ( water place) before cleaning it beforehand thrice."

And have proven also that circulation of blood at upper barrel organ and forearm and also undercarriage organs like both foot and both calf is organs which is feeblest to be compared to other body organ because far its from center circulation of blood, heart.
Hence if us wash it and also rubbing it, hence will strengthen circulation of blood at the organs so that assist we add vitality and energy. And from that all, hence known by its miracle of him of wudhu' in Islam.

Source: Al-I'Jaaz Al-Ilmiy Al-Islam Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah Muhammad Kamil Abd Al-Shomad wa fii