Miracle of comand of Sujud To Body

Jumat, 20 November 2009
Miracle of comand of Sujud To Body.

If you experiencing of your tension go up, or endless confused, or natural of nervous ( one of type disease of deviation of behavior in the form of is jumpy, fear, etc). If you fear to be hit by tumor, hence sujud its solution.... With sujud will escape all disease of other psychosis and nervous. This is one of the result of research done by Dr. Muhammad Dhiyaa'Uddin Hamid, biological majors lecturer and departmental chief of food radiasi in institute research of technology of radiasi.

Have its fair it human being if experiencing of excess of dose in radiasi, and life in voltage environment or magnetic field, hence that thing will affect to its body, will increase electrical content in its body. Therefore, Dr. Dhiyaa' saying that in fact sujud can eliminate vitamins nor things causing pain.

Solution In Around Organ Body

He is one of the body organ... and him assist human being in feeling environment around, and have interaction to with his self, and that's addition in electrics area and magnetic field yielded by body cause damage trouble and body organ function so that finally experience of modern disease is so-called with " tired feeling.", muscle spastics, bronchitis, weary easy, stress ... until often forget, migrant, and problem become going worse if without there is effort to avoid cause all this, that is keeping away our body from all such places and equipments.

Its solution ???

Have to by following something that of permitted for eliminate that thing is all ... that is by kowtowing to Single Dzat which Single The most as we have been governed for the matter of that, where that sujud is started by gluing forehead to earth ( floor). Hence in sujud will emit a stream of positive ions exist in in body to earth ( as negative ions place). and so on as perfect as activity netralizer of electrics impact and magnet. More special again when sujud by using 7 legs and hands ( forehead, nose, both of palm, both of knee, and both feet) hence in this is position very facilitating for us netralize affect magnet and electrics.

Is known by during research, so that progressively perfect process netralizer of that impact all, hence sujud have to face to Makkah ( Mosque of Ka'Bah), that is activity which we do in shalat ( qiblat). Because Makkah is earth center in universe. And clear research progressively that facing to Makkah when sujud is most important place for the netralizer of human being of things bothering its it and make rileks.
Subhanallah, .... knowledge amazing.

by : www.facebook.com/fans of pecinta sayyidina rasulullah.

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