Wudhu Prevent The happening of Various Skin Disease

Senin, 02 November 2009
Rasulullah utter, " Holy whomever ( Wudhu) by completing its chastity, hence going out its sins from its husk until from its nail of him". HR. Moslem.

Rasulullah utter, " Really my me will be exclaimed on doom in a state of glittering because its secondhand of him, ( Dusty of Hurairah enhance) hence who can exaggerate light length at its body, hence doing. (HR. Bukhari and Moslem).

Contemporary science specify - after passing attempt of microscopy to growing of microbe at one who holy regularly as well as to not regular- its it him one who holy always hence their nose majority become cleanness,do not there are various microbe.
Therefore, existence of microbe which patch in them lose is at all when them clean nose,compared to one who is not holy hence growing at their nose various big microbe in number which the including globular microbe type and dangerous berklaster which is very ...
and infectious microbe and expand ...
and other microbe which cause many the happening of various disease.
And clear its it him process that poisoned happened the existence of growth various dangerous microbe to nasal cavity,later;then to red lane to later;then happened various disease, more than anything else if step into circulation of blood!!

Therefore, suggested to do " istinsyaaq" ( breathing in water into nose) counted 3 times later;then giving off it ( remain to with nose) each time wudhu.
As for gargling that meant for keep cleaning trap and throat from chafing and deterioration at gum,and also take care of tooth of food pickings which patch tooth.
And have proven scientifically that 90% one who experience of damage of tooth if they is attention will to hygiene of his mouth when ahead destroy their tooths, and existence of deterioration that happened because of saliva and food and mixed in stomach and go to blood.
And from blood that's later;then disseminate to entire body and later;then cause various disease.

And really, gargling will refresh face and become fairly. And this test-driving have never been told by all sport lecturer except a little. This matter because them only paying attention to big body organs.
And wash face and both hand until elbow, and also both feet give benefit to eliminate dirts and various bacterium, more than anything else by cleaning body of secretory other dirt and sweat pass husk.

As well as, have proven scientifically will not attack human being husk except if rate hygiene of his husk lower. Because human being if llama  have activity to without washing its member of him, hence husk will experience of various chafing attacking surface of husk, like scabies.
And this scabies attack tip of radius mostly don't in a state of cleanness, so that enter various microbe into husk.

Therefore, its of it chafing very is inviting of microbe to expand and disseminate.
Hence, wudhu have preceded Science of Pektrologi modern and all expert which use quarantine as media to know various mushrooms and microbe attacking people who husk have no simpathy with hygiene, where this hygiene of meaning with bath and wudhu and with research and test-driving.

Research and this test-drive give other benefit:

That both hand bringing many microbe which sometimes make a move to nose or mouth if don't be washed. Therefore, very emphasized to clean both hand beforehand before doing wudhu'.

And this growing clear to us utter Rasulullah:

"If one of the among all of you wake up from sleep, hence don't plunge second his arms to canister ( water place) before cleaning it beforehand thrice."

And have proven also that circulation of blood at upper barrel organ and forearm and also undercarriage organs like both foot and both calf is organs which is feeblest to be compared to other body organ because far its from center circulation of blood, heart.
Hence if us wash it and also rubbing it, hence will strengthen circulation of blood at the organs so that assist we add vitality and energy. And from that all, hence known by its miracle of him of wudhu' in Islam.

Source: Al-I'Jaaz Al-Ilmiy Al-Islam Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah Muhammad Kamil Abd Al-Shomad wa fii

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