Disease Befalling Woman Do Not Impose Cowl

Senin, 09 November 2009
Disease Befalling Woman Do Not Impose Cowl

Rasulullah utter, " dressy women but ( intrinsically is) naked, their head like camel back, they will not enter heaven and no kissing is fragrant of its fragrance “ (HR. Abu Daud)

Rasulullah utter, " Do not be accepted by adult woman sholat except wearing cowl (khimar / jilbab)” (HR. Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tirmidzi, bn Majah)

Contemporary Erudite research have found it woman which do not impose cowl or dress but tightening, or transparent hence he will experience of various cancerous raise hell whole part of its open organ, what else girl and or have a daughter - female which dress tightly. Doctor English magazine express result of this erudite research by citing some fact, among others its it ferocious cancer of melanoma at age early, and progressively increase and disseminate to reach foot. And cancerous root cause raise hell this is tight clothes which imposed by females under sun heat, long during after through years. and nylon sock which they impose do not be useful little in taking care of their foot from ferocious cancer. And really the Magazine English doctor have even also have done pandemic polling of this melanoma, and likely situation of them look like with situation of traitor people ( Arab infidel people) To the effect that this Alloh’s word :
And remember when them tell: Yes Alloh if this matter ( Al-Qur'an) it is true from your side hence raining us with stone of sky or deliver to us of punishment which is pain ( Q.S. Al-Anfaal:32)

And really have come punishment which lighter pain and or from that thing is, that is ferocious cancer, where that cancer is it’s of cancer from various cancer. And this disease represent effect of pregnant sun sting of long ultraviolet during the whole part of tight clothes, beach wear ( which is ordinary to be wearied by infidel people when in coast and sun over there) what they impose. And this disease sometimes hit all body and with rate which different each other. What emerge first time is like black chromatic circle rather wide. And sometimes in the form of just small circle, most in foot area or calf, and sometimes in area of around eye, then permeate body accompanied by growth in ordinary areas seen, spleen attachment ( area above thigh), and attack blood, and remain to liver and also destroy.

Sometimes also remain to in whole part of body, among others: bone, and chest interior and stomach caused by two kidneys, cause black chromatic urine water because destroying of kidney effect of cancerous attack raise hell this. And sometimes also attack fetus in mother womb which is containing. One who suffer this ferocious cancer will not live llama, as hurt drug as opportunity to recover for all cancer type ( besides this ferocious cancer), where this drug not yet can cure this ferocious cancer.

From here, we know glorious wisdom of human being body anatomy in is in perfective of Islam about woman’s which impinge boundaries of syari'at. That is that real correct woman clothes model is closing over all its body, do not tighten, is not transparent, except palm and face. And really clear progressively that polite and simple clothes is effort of preventive nicest in order not to be hit " world punishment" like above mentioned disease, more than anything else much more awful eternity punishment and pain. Then, what is after existence of witness of this contemporary science - though there is coherent of law of syari'at wise since 14 century ago- we will be good unclothed fixed ( jilbab), even remain to bluff???

(Source : Al-I'jaaz Al-Ilmiy fii Al-Islam wa Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah, Oleh :Muhammad Kamil Abd Al-Shomad )

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